Golden Gate Western Wear
Home of Knudsen Hat Company
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Check out our retail site for quick ship custom hats and stock merchandise at Golden Gate Western Wear
Be Advised
We have been made aware that the website myhathaven.com has stolen some photos and ad copy from our website, and has likely stolen from other websites as well. If you look up reviews for myhathaven, you will find customers who are highly displeased with the quality of their product and their customer service.
websites like this have cropped up in the past and will continue to do so. Using pictures of quality products stolen from other custom haters and manufacturers, and offering them at prices that seem too good to be true.
Please be careful when you see sites like myhathaven. Based on the reviews from customers who have shopped with them, The item you receive will not be as depicted, and the trouble it takes to return will not be worth the time and effort, they're counting on it.